About Scarves1938

Scarves1938 dream’s is to keep the ancient traditions alive with a look at the world that is constantly evolving.
For as long as we can remember, we have deeply enjoyed the comfort of wrapping ourself  in cloth. For most of us, it's a practice that begins at infancy when we are swaddled for comfort and security. We all continue to wrap ourselves in cloth, one way or another, for the rest of our lives. Cloth is used in every culture to express a multitude of things about the wearer, and it is the universality of human expression through cloth that fascinates us. Hand made cloth connects maker and wearer in a wonderful way that can only be achieved by the slow and careful process of making things one at a time. Slow cloth and slow fashion are important movements in fashion and environmentalism,we are very proud to be part of the movement.

We use environmentally sustainable methods, non-toxic materials, and all natural eco-friendly cloth so that when it's time for the piece to return to the earth no damage will be done.

we are  thrilled to be part of the Maker movement and we are happy to see customers who value the extra time and work it takes to make things by hand. 

Working with fiber and doing hand work heals us. We hope the positive energy we feel in our work brings you peace while you wear it or give it to someone you love.